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Body / emotion / belief Release



The Body / Emotion / Belief Code: How it Works

Quantum Physics: Unveiling the Scientific Foundation Behind This Method

      Let's delve into the realm of quantum physics. Renowned scientists within this field have definitively demonstrated that our perception of reality differs significantly from our previous understanding. Through their research, quantum physicists have revealed the extraordinary ability to magnify our focus, delving down to the cellular level within our bodies. This microscopic journey takes us from DNA to atoms, electrons, protons, and even subatomic particles, ultimately leading to the realization that our bodies consist of a staggering 99% space. Another profound revelation in quantum physics is the phenomenon known as "entanglement." This concept elucidates that when an electron undergoes movement in one location, a corresponding action occurs elsewhere, establishing an intricate connection between entangled electrons. Essentially, this implies a profound interconnectedness with everything in our surroundings.

      Understanding this deep connection allows us to broaden our perception of influencing individuals who may not be physically present. By energetically connecting with them, we can apply the principles of the Emotion / Body / Belief Code to remotely assist individuals situated far away.


      The Body/Emotion/Belief Code employs applied kinesiology, known as muscle testing, to access the subconscious mind and obtain information about imbalances causing emotional or physical issues. The subconscious mind, constituting 95% of our minds, stores vital information and influences bodily functions. Trapped emotions, formed by the energy of emotional experiences, can impact the body's natural frequency, leading to physical or emotional problems. The Emotion Code utilizes magnetic energy to identify and release trapped emotions, whether in person or remotely. Additionally, it addresses the removal of a Heart Wall, an energetic barrier formed around the heart to protect against negative emotions, which may hinder the experience of positive emotions.


The Body Code is a comprehensive energy healing system that uses muscle testing to identify and correct imbalances in the body's energy.

What is the Body Code?

      The Body Code is a more comprehensive system that includes The Emotion Code but also addresses six key areas of health: energy, circuits/systems (like organs and meridians), toxins, pathogens, structural misalignments, and nutritional/lifestyle imbalances. It uses a detailed mind map to guide practitioners through identifying and correcting these imbalances. The aim is to restore the body's natural state of health and wellness by addressing not just emotional, but also physical and energetic disruptions.

The Body Code system organizes potential imbalances into six main categories:

Energies: This includes trapped emotions, internalized trauma, and other energetic imbalances.
Circuits and Systems: Imbalances in the organs, glands, and muscles.
Toxins: Identifying and addressing toxins like heavy metals, chemicals, and EMF radiation.
Pathogens: Detecting and treating infections from bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.
Structural: Correcting issues with bones, nerves, and connective tissues.
Nutritional and Lifestyle: Addressing deficiencies in nutrients, and recommending beneficial

lifestyle changes.

      I use these categories to guide the healing process, asking yes-or-no questions to

the subconscious and using muscle testing / a pendulum to get responses. I then apply

corrective measures, such as using a magnet along the governing meridian and setting

the intention to let go, to release imbalances and restore the body's natural healing capabilities.

      The healing process with the Body Code involves the active participation of both the practitioner and the client. The practitioner guides the client through identifying and releasing imbalances, helping to restore energetic flow and balance within the body. This method supports the body's natural ability to heal itself and can lead to improvements in physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

The Belief Code is an advanced energy healing modality that focuses on identifying, addressing, and transforming negative subconscious beliefs.

What is the Belief Code?

What is the Belief Code?

The Belief Code is an advanced energy healing modality that focuses on identifying, addressing, and transforming negative subconscious beliefs. These beliefs often form due to past experiences, traumas, and conditioned thinking, and they can significantly influence our behavior, emotions, and overall well-being without our conscious awareness.

How the Belief Code Works:

The Belief Code operates through a structured system that leverages the following
principles and techniques:

  1. Subconscious Communication: I use muscle testing (applied kinesiology) to communicate
    with the subconscious mind. This method helps to pinpoint specific negative beliefs that are
    stored deep within.

  2. Mind Mapping Technology: A comprehensive mind-mapping system guides us in exploring
    different categories and subcategories of negative beliefs. This organized approach ensures
    thorough identification of all relevant issues.

  3. Release and Reprogramming: Once identified, negative beliefs are energetically released. This
    process often involves the use of magnets or other energetic tools, which are run along the
    governing meridian of the body to facilitate the release.

  4. Positive Replacement: After releasing negative beliefs, new, empowering beliefs are consciously
    introduced and anchored in the subconscious. This reprogramming helps align subconscious patterns
    with the individual's conscious goals and desires.


What the Belief Code Can Help Heal

The Belief Code can address a wide range of emotional and mental health issues, as well as enhance overall well-being. Specific benefits include:

  • Emotional Healing: It helps release deeply embedded emotional pain and trauma, leading to improved emotional stability and resilience

  • ​Physical Healing and Pain Relief: Negative Belief systems can often cause physical manifestation in the physical body such as imbalances, chronic pain, breakouts etc.

  • Mental Clarity: By removing limiting beliefs, individuals can achieve greater mental clarity, focus, and creativity.

  • Behavioral Change: Negative beliefs that drive unwanted behaviors, such as procrastination, self-sabotage, or addiction, can be transformed, enabling healthier behavioral patterns.

  • Self-Esteem and Confidence: Replacing negative self-beliefs with positive ones can significantly boost self-esteem and confidence, leading to better personal and professional outcomes.

  • Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Clearing beliefs that contribute to chronic stress and anxiety can result in a calmer, more balanced state of mind.

  • Improved Relationships: Healing beliefs about oneself and others can enhance the quality of personal and professional relationships by fostering better communication and understanding.

The Emotion Code is a powerful method of finding and releasing trapped negative emotions that have been stored in the body through our subconscious minds’ desire to protect us from further suffering.

What is the Emotion Code?

      The Emotion Code focuses on identifying and releasing trapped emotional energies from the body. These trapped emotions can occur from past traumatic experiences and can lodge in various parts of the body, potentially causing emotional and physical issues. By using muscle testing to access the subconscious mind, practitioners can pinpoint and release these trapped emotions, which may alleviate symptoms such as sadness, anxiety, and physical pain. 

      Every emotion has its own energetic frequency.  When emotional energies lodge in the body, the frequency causes an imbalance affecting the organs and tissues, or disturbs your whole energy field, thoughts and mood. Dr. David Hawkins’ Consciousness Scale shows how negative emotions vibrate at muchlower frequencies, affecting your whole life view,

health and experience.

What are trapped emotions?

      Trapped emotions are negative emotional energies that we still carry around from past events, traumas or abuse.  Trapped emotions can cause a variety of “symptoms,” include health related as well as in relationships, career, or success.  They can block people from finding true love and happiness and make them feel disconnected or lonely.

      Trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, and they can affect physical tissues, organs and overall wellness.  Trapped emotions can create pain, malfunction and possibly disease.  In addition, trapped emotions can exert a dramatic effect on how you think, the choices that you make, and how you react to every day challenges.

      Think of trapped emotions as balls of energy that can be stuck in the body.  They vibrate at different frequencies depending on the particular emotion.  The trapped emotion, or negative vibration, can often affect the part of the body where they are stuck, but can also disturb overall balance and health.

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